Manal's Coaching

For rebellious, Heart-centred leaders who are ready to make big changes in the world (while staying sanE)

Do you want to make a real difference in the world? To become the rebel that the world desperately needs?

But perhaps you've also doubted yourself, questioning if you truly deserve to take on such a powerful role - who are you to create change?

Whether it's environmental sustainability, social justice, or personal empowerment, your unique perspective and passion can make a profound impact.

Your power to shape the future and leave a lasting impact starts with embracing your leadership.

As your coach, i’ll support you to step even more deeply into your leadership - on your own terms.

Let’s work together

1:1 Coaching Series

A series of coaching sessions to help you navigate the triumphs and challenges of leadership over 3 or 6 months.

Check it out

Career clarity session For leaders

A one-off session focused on navigating your career journey and gaining clarity on next steps, as the leader you’re growing into.

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